New: the Schmersal System Configurator at the SPS 2019
Assemble highly efficient safety solutions with drag and drop
The user can then simply drag and drop the desired devices, e.g. solenoid interlocks, safety sensors and control panels, as well selected evaluation units, to assemble a virtual structure. The Schmersal System Configurator calculates the supply voltage to each device according to the wire length and cross-section, and evaluates it according to a traffic light system. If the supply voltage comes below a minimum value of 20.4 V, the display will switch from green to yellow and, if lower than 19.5 V, to red. The Configurator will then indicate that an alternative installation solution should be selected, e.g. a passive field box instead of series wiring with Y distributors, to ensure fewer voltage drops on account of larger wire cross-sections. The entire configuration is displayed in a topology view that can be saved and loaded. Parts lists can also be created, meaning that the user is just a click away from the best and most efficient safety solution available.
Virtual manufacturing machine demonstrates Industry 4.0-capable safety solutions
At the SPS 2019, Schmersal is also demonstrating how to implement efficient, Industry 4.0-ready safety solutions with an interactive trade fair exhibit. Using a virtual manufacturing machine, Schmersal will be showing visitors how diagnostic data and status information from different safety components can be communicated to a superior control level via installation systems such as SD bus, safety field box, etc. Evaluation of the diagnostic data transmitted by the safety sensors plays a key role in condition monitoring concepts and predictive maintenance. At the same time, it is also demonstrated how safety switchgear devices with different functions can be networked with minimal wiring effort, to forward bundled signals to a control unit. Visit Schmersal at SPS 2019 – Smart Production Solutions – in Nuremberg, Germany, between 26 and 28/11/2019: Stand 460, Hall 9